Saturday, June 1, 2019

About this blog

This is the second post on this blog.  My first post is an example of the sort of writing that I want to do here.  In this post I want to say a bit about myself, and about this blog.

I’m in my early 50s.  I work as a lawyer (but please don’t expect this to be a blog about law). My working life is based in London, but I live in East Sussex, in sight of the South Downs.  I’m closely involved with the Quaker meeting in nearby Lewes.  Books and music (especially singing) are an important part of my life.  Home life centres around a smallholding, with four humans, a few sheep and horses, some geese and chickens, and an indispensable dog.

Why write?  Sometimes as a way of working out what I think, or why I’m not sure what I think. Sometimes, to help me understand why I disagree with something that I have heard or read.  Sometimes just to share references to material that I’ve enjoyed it or found helpful.  Blogging seems to me a little like busking - people wander past, and if they like what they hear then they stop and listen for a while.    

Quakerism is likely to be a recurring subject, so it’s worth giving a bit of background about this.  For about a year in the early 1990s I was involved with the Quaker meeting at Westminster: it was a very positive experience, but I didn’t stay.  Five years ago I started looking into Quakerism again; and in 2016 I started attending Quaker meetings regularly.  I’m now thinking about membership.  There are lots of Quaker bloggers and writers whose work I admire, and I will say something about them from time to time.

I’m hoping to post something a couple of times a month, or more.  This is very much an experiment - if I think it’s not working, I will stop.      

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